Modulation of the fungal mycobiome is regulated by the chitin-binding receptor FIBCD1.

TitleModulation of the fungal mycobiome is regulated by the chitin-binding receptor FIBCD1.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMoeller JB, Leonardi I, Schlosser A, Flamar A-L, Bessman NJ, Putzel GGarbès, Thomsen T, Hammond M, Jepsen CS, Skjødt K, Füchtbauer E-M, Farber DL, Sorensen GL, Iliev ID, Holmskov U, Artis D
JournalJ Exp Med
Date Published2019 Dec 02

Host-microbiota interactions are critical in regulating mammalian health and disease. In addition to bacteria, parasites, and viruses, beneficial communities of fungi (the mycobiome) are important modulators of immune- and tissue-homeostasis. Chitin is a major component of the fungal cell wall, and fibrinogen C containing domain 1 (FIBCD1) is a chitin-binding protein; however, the role of this molecule in influencing host-mycobiome interactions in vivo has never been examined. Here, we identify direct binding of FIBCD1 to intestinal-derived fungi and demonstrate that epithelial-specific expression of FIBCD1 results in significantly reduced fungal colonization and amelioration of fungal-driven intestinal inflammation. Collectively, these results identify FIBCD1 as a previously unrecognized microbial pattern recognition receptor through which intestinal epithelial cells can recognize and control fungal colonization, limit fungal dysbiosis, and dampen intestinal inflammation.

Alternate JournalJ. Exp. Med.
PubMed ID31601676
PubMed Central IDPMC6888979
Grant ListF32 AI124517 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States